Hello Ghana is a federal 501(c)(3) US tax-exempt nonprofit organization.

Hello Ghana's EIN #: 81-0817549

2018 Hello Ghana Financial Data Summary

Financial goal for 2018:

$65,000.00 USD

Funds raised YTD (updated March 15):

$26,050.00 USD

Difference to hit goal:

$38,950.00 USD


(For data prior to 2018, or to see any in-depth financial detail, please contact our board treasurers here.)


Children waiting to enter program:


Median cost per child for program:

$2,000.00 USD

Total needed to fulfill apprenticeships:

$12,000.00 USD**

**note total financial goal at the top of this page also includes this apprenticeship figure.

(Read more about our apprenticeship program here.)